Hey Mama’s

Hey Mama.

I know this wasn’t the Mother’s Day you wanted. Another day stuck in the house with all the kids, the loud toys, the screeching, the crying, and Frozen 2 on the screen for the 173849928474th time. I know you imagined breakfast in bed, some time to yourself, and uninterrupted time with a hot cup of coffee and a show that isn’t Disney. I know you didn’t get what you want and I’m sorry.

But Mama, let me remind you. That chaos you see, that exhaustion you feel, those babies that drive you crazy? They wouldn’t know what to do without you. I know they ask a million times a day for snacks, for another show, for their siblings toy, or for you to wipe their butt. I know it’s a lot. But Mama, I hope you know that you’re their world. The yell for you because they need YOU. They cry out for you because they want YOU. According to them, nothing else compares to YOU, so take a second and enjoy it. Take just a second to bask in the chaos and praise God for the little ones that call you, “Mama”.


Hey New Mama.

I see you. I see you with the tear stains, the puffy eyes, the clothes that don’t fit, and the coffee that’s been warmed up too many times to enjoy. I see you in your search for some kind of clarity in this new normal of life. I see you wondering if you’ll make it. I see you and I feel for you and I’m praying for you.

It’s hard I know. No one tells you about the crying, the lack of sleep, the uncertainty of it all. Nothing could adequately prepare you for all that happens with a newborn and postpartum. But look at you! Look at the way your body was made to provide for that little miracle. Just think about it, they were made for you and you for them. You are EVERYTHING to them. Nothing compares to you. I know it’s hard, Mama. I know you’re tired. But just stare at them a little longer and thank God for their precious little life. (And then holler at your husband, your best friend, neighbor, or whoever and tell them to snuggle that baby so you can get some rest. You deserve it. And it’s hard to turn down baby snuggles. Oh, and Happy First Mother’s Day!)


Hey Grieving Mama.

I see you and ache for you over the loss of your child. Whether that be in the womb or out, I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through. I see you, weep with you, grieve with you, and pray for you.

I want you to know, Mama, that just because they aren’t there to hold, it doesn’t make you any less of a Mama. You held them and loved them from the second you knew of them. And you’ll keep holding on to them and loving them until the day you see them again. And I hope you hold on to that; that you cling to the hope that they’re with the One who created life.

But I know it hurts, Mama. So take your time, cry it out, feel all you need to feel. I know it hurts and I’m sorry. You are seen, known, and loved. Cling to that. Cling to Him.

And Happy Mother’s Day, Mama. You’ll hold that title no matter what.


Hey Friend.

I know your heart is breaking all over again, another year has gone by and your arms are still empty. I know there’s an ache in your chest and a hole in your heart for the children you long to have. I know you had big hopes but here were are and nothing to show. I see you, ache with you, and pray for you.

I know your hearts desire is to be a Mom. I know that with every passing year, that desire grows more and more. But I also know that with every childless year, it’s another year to draw you closer to the Creator of Life. I know that every time we beg and plead and cry out to Him the desires of our hearts, He isn’t turning a blind eye to us. He’s turning us to Him. I hope you never stop praying and crying out to Him for all the things you ache for. Because I know how much it aches. But I hope you ache for Him above all else. Cling to Him, friend.


Hey Mama-less Friend.

I see you more than anything. I see the multitude of emotions this day brings: pain, hurt, sadness, anger, thankfulness, joy, and love. I see it all because I feel it all too.

I know this day hurts. I know that with every passing year, you think the pain will ease up. And sometimes it does, but sometimes it hurts just as bad as the first. But I want you to know that you’re never without comfort. You’re never without a Father that loves you, who gave His life for you, and will hold on to you forever. He is our ultimate comfort and peace and I hope you hold on to Him. He wants us in all ways. He wants us to cry out to Him in our time of despair and trouble. And I hope you do that. I hope you cling to Him with all you have.

Because I feel all the things you’re feeling. I am with you in your chaotic emotions. But I know where my hope and comfort lie, and I hope you do too.


I know I’ve left Mama’s out. I know there are so many different types of Mama’s out there:

*Foster Mama. Single Mama. Adoptive Mama. Grandmother Mama. Aunt Mama. Sister Mama. Widowed Mama. Step Mama.*

I know that there are all kinds of Mama’s out there and I just want all of you to know how important and loved you are on this designated day and every day.

But more than anything, y’all, I want you to know that everything you’ll ever want and need is found in Christ and Christ alone. The best you that you can be is found in following Him. So I hope you find Him and cling to Him today. I hope you show your kids the love, grace, peace, mercy, and joy that is found in a Christ Jesus. The best thing you can be is someone who loves Jesus. And the best thing you can teach your kiddos, your friends, your families, and whoever else is that Jesus is better.

Because He is.

He loves you.

He loves them.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mama’s.

Jesus is better.